SCOPE: Peer Support Network and WORK Project-Work Project

  • Sheppard-Jones, Kathleen (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


We intend to provide a total of nine regional trainings (one in each project year). Each of these trainings will include schools from one of the state’s nine regional cooperatives, so that we are able to provide training to all of the cooperatives by project’s end. Our focus will be primarily high schools, though we will accept middle and elementary school teams as well. In each year, the three regional trainings will include school teams from the three participating cooperatives for that year. Each team will be expected to include a special education teacher, general education teacher, administrators, parent, and paraeducator. Schools that attend the Full Day regional training (conducted by Dr. Carter in Year I) may then submit an application to be a pilot sites, to receive extended onsite coaching and technical assistance. A total of three pilot sites (one from each of the three participating cooperatives will be selected each year). Over the course of the project, at least five of the pilots will have been low income (Title 1 schools), with at least one middle school and/or one elementary school participating as pilots. In order to increase sustainability and to engage university faculty, we will develop a state Leadership Training Team. The State Leadership Team (consisting of master and pilot site teachers, university faculty, and Regional Cooperative Low Incidence Coordinators) will work with Dr. Carter in jointly providing the regional trainings in Year II and III. In Year II, Dr. Carter will co-present with Leadership Team across the three regional trainings for that year. In Year III, the Leadership Team will begin to assume primary responsibility for the regional trainings under Dr. Carter’s guidance. Members of the State Leadership Team, as time permits, will also assist in providing ongoing follow-up and technical assistance to pilot sites. Additionally, Health Partners will work to expand health and wellness opportunities for Kentuckians with developmental disabilities and identified health partners throughout Central Kentucky. The Community of Sharing will support and expand the work of two pilot sites to enhance communities through sharing of community members gifts, interests and talents.
Effective start/end date7/1/166/30/17


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  • Peer Support Network and WORK Project

    Sheppard-Jones, K. (PI)


    Project: Research project