SCOPE: QEI FY14 Infant/Toddler--(ZEBG) Quality Enhancement Initiative

Grants and Contracts Details


The Quality Enhancement Initiative provides services designed to increase the quality of early care and education programs and staff. These services include technical assistance and support for participation in the STARS Quality Rating and Improvement System, assistance in accessing KIDS NOW Scholarships and evaluation of the effectiveness of services provided to child care facilities and homes. These services are available to any employee of the 2,266 currently licensed child care facilities and 599 currently certified family child care homes. There are 25 STARS Quality Coordinators who provide free technical assistance to providers to help make STARS work for them. This includes using effective and current evidence based practices, maintaining 90% reliability on the Environment Rating Scales, evaluating technical assistance provided and implementing data into activities, and documenting all activities appropriately. All 25 of the SQCs are located in KCTCS sites throughout the state. 15 Professional Development Counselors provide support to providers wishing to access the Early Childhood Development Scholarship which provides a seamless system to upgrade the professional development of child care workers and trainers. The PDCs use effective and current evidence based practices to counsel, evaluate, and develop activities for providers. In addition, the PDCs provide technical assistance to all child care directors on development and implementation of Professional Development Plans with their staff. All of the 15 PDCs are located in KCTCS sites throughout the state. Four Regional Anchors provide direct supervision to the 40 staff mentioned above. They serve as the point person on the Environment Rating Scales in their respective regions. They train and mentor all staff, analyze data and report findings, and coordinate and manage their regions. Three of the Anchors are housed in KCTCS sites. The fourth Anchor is located here at UK.
Effective start/end date7/1/126/30/14


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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