Scope: Quality Assurance and Waiver Assurance-Admin State

Grants and Contracts Details


The purpose of the Quality Assurance and Waiver Assurance project is to improve the efficiency of the waiver assessment and auditing tools used to administer the program. Research will be conducted to test waiver assessment and auditing tools within the InterQual application and to test whether they provide increased effectiveness in care decision support and complex care management for individuals within the waiver programs. The specific aim of this contract are to evaluate the quality and appropriate care received by individuals in the waiver programs, develop information systems for tracking evaluations and audits from the waiver programs, and conduct root cause analysis of patient reported issues associated with the programs. IPOP will provide professional and technical assistance to conduct research and provide guidance on evaluating comprehensive assessments performed and conducting data analysis for the populations served within the community waiver programs. Through the collection of the quality assurance assessment data, a comprehensive audit and analysis will be performed to determine care effectiveness in the waiver population. This data will be used to identify causality of reported issues and collect information for the outcome measures established within the Waiver for compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Effective start/end date7/1/186/30/20


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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