Scope: Yi Zhang: Confucius Institute Faculty International Travel Grant

Grants and Contracts Details


The support by the International Travel Fund of the Confucius Institute will enable me to conduct the fieldwork of the Burmese jade trade in China from March to May in 2019. In the Chinese culture, jade holds a special position and has been ingrained into the social, economic, and emotive layers of people’s quotidian life. Yu, the Chinese word for jade, is associated with desired items and promissory relationships that are clean, beautiful, and treasured. Since its introduction from Burma for use by the royal family in the Qing Dynasty (1644 to 1912), the Burmese Jade (fei cui) has become one of the most valued and cherished commodities that could easily cost thousands of dollars—just as the popular saying goes, “gold has a price but jade is priceless.”
Effective start/end date2/1/197/31/19


  • Confucius Institute Headquarters of China


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