Seedling Diseases of Soybean: Characteristics and Education

  • Wise, Kiersten (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Soilborne seedling and root diseases of soybean significantly reduce yields in the North Central region of the United States. Seedling diseases rank among the top 4 pathogen threats to soybean, because their insidious nature makes them difficult to diagnose and control. It is nearly impossible to predict when they will take a heavy toll, until it happens. The challenges and failures of managing soilborne diseases and pathogens of soybean and other crops are based in part on limitations in knowledge and methods. This project will address critical limitations in identifying and managing seedling diseases. Producers and industry will see benefits in the form of rapid diagnostics and management recommendations. This benefit will also help industry in their assessments in pesticides and germplasm development. Producers will also see their check-off funding being maximized by the synergy of this team, the USB seedling disease project and the USDA-NIFA oomcyete project. This project complements the USB seedling disease project. Minimum Objectives and Procedures: 1. The University of Kentucky will collaborate with named research personnel to help develop Extension deliverables, and disseminate information through various Extension channels. 2. In addition to the above procedures, the University of Kentucky will provide timely and appropriate budgets and expenditures of funds as detailed by the project budget and budget narrative, report data in a timely fashion, and participate in regional collaborator meetings, networking activities, and conference calls. The University of Kentucky will provide progress reports as requested by project leadership.
Effective start/end date10/1/189/15/19


  • Southern Illinois University: $29,692.00


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