SEER Network Analysis for a Data-Driven Approach to Cancer Care

Grants and Contracts Details


We will utilize a two-pronged approach to increase the specificity of drug treatment information in the SEER Kentucky Cancer Registry (KCR). The first approach leverages existing narrative information that has been captured by KCR. In accordance with SEER reporting requirements and NAACCR data exchange standards registries currently capture modality and dates of treatment such as chemotherapy, hormone, immunotherapy and endocrine treatments. In addition, registrars routinely document agent names in accompanying unstructured narrative text fields. We propose to support the development of methods to automate the mapping of narrative treatment information into the structured regimens in HemOnc. Specifically, KCR will provide the research team access to existing narrative notes and treatment information from registry records and will participate in the review and validation of mapping results. Registry treatment data will benefit from the capture of structured treatment information from the onset, when hospital registrars are reviewing charts and initially entering treatment information. Kentucky is uniquely positioned to implement structured treatment capture at the population scale as a result of the state’s mandate for all non-federal facilities to report to KCR through the Cancer Patient Data Management System (CPDMS). This pilot will explore enhancements to the HemOnc Application Programming Interface (API) to enable integration into the CPDMS hospital abstracting software. Specifically, the KCR team will integrate the HemOnc API into CPDMS to provide registrars with options to select structured regimen information from dropdown lists. KCR will be responsible for the software development in CPDMS. KCR will also participate in collecting registrar feedback regarding utility and usability of the HemOnc API and the CPDMS data entry interface. We will also participate in the evaluation of the accuracy of the results. Faculty and senior leadership will also participate in the development and submissions of manuscripts related to this work.
Effective start/end date9/1/195/31/22


  • Vanderbilt University Medical Center: $48,992.00


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