SFY 22 Adoption Supports (ASK)

Grants and Contracts Details


Adoption Support for Kentucky (ASK) specializes in the utilization of support groups to offer pre and post-adoptive support and training to foster and adoptive parents. ASK provides the opportunity to share resources, suggestions, frustrations and successes with those who share the unique life experience of adoption. ASK utilizes experienced foster and adoptive parents (ASK Adoptive Parent Liaisons (APLs)) to provide peer-led adoption support group meetings throughout the Commonwealth using various modalities (i.e. face-to-face, online, teleconference). Groups offer a combination of support, training, and/or relevant information – all tailored to the needs of the participants and the media/modality being utilized. Additionally, Cabinet-approved training is provided by APLs through one-on-one meetings with foster parents in accordance with DCBS Standard of Practice (SOP) 12:15 regarding Ongoing Foster Parent Training. Relevant information and support can also be provided to foster and adoptive parents by APLs via phone and e-mail. The services and support provided by ASK are open to any Kentucky adoptive family. The program proudly serves families formed through state, private, relative, or international adoption, as well as relative/fictive kin caregivers and foster parents with the state and private child placing agencies. Goal: ASK strives to prevent pre-adoptive disruptions and post-adoptive dissolutions through peer support and training. Objective 1: Provide professional development opportunities for ASK Adoptive Parent Liaisons Adoptive Parent Liaisons are experienced adoptive parents who are approved by DCBS to serve in this capacity. New Adoptive Parent Liaisons (APLs) undergo an orientation period wherein they are trained and mentored by an experienced support group leader and/or Program Coordinator until the Program Coordinator determines they are ready to lead a support group independently. Program Coordinators provide at least one professional development training each year for Adoptive Parent Liaisons. The training and information they receive may include, but is not limited to, best practices for teaching new skills and concepts to adult learners, group facilitation strategies, understanding and successfully navigating group dynamics, the importance of self-care, program policies and procedures, as well as resources and training related to foster/adoptive parenting. Objective 2: Offer peer-led support group meetings ASK support groups are provided based on the needs of foster and adoptive parents and regional requests. Support groups are provided at least monthly in each region based on service demand and available funding. Groups may be provided via various platforms/modalities (i.e. face-to-face, online, etc.). Objective 3: Provide ongoing technical support to ASK Adoptive Parent Liaisons (APLs) Program Coordinators confer with each regional R&C Supervisor and their staff as needed to assess Adoptive Parent Liaison’s effectiveness and receive recommendations for program improvements. They also solicit ideas for training topics to ensure that ASK trainings are meeting the needs of the foster/adoptive parents in the area. Program Coordinators maintain monthly contact with APLs through email, individual calls, group Proposed Scope of Work University of Kentucky College of Social Work Training Resource Center - Adoption Support for Kentucky (ASK) Program July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 conference calls, face-to-face meetings, and/or site visits. The program coordinator conducts at least one site visit with each APL annually to observe their performance and provide them with feedback. Coaching and assistance are provided on an ongoing basis to support and enhance APL performance. Adoptive Parent Liaisons receive professional development training related to their role with ASK at least once each year. Program Coordinators review and approve APL reporting forms and develop trainings and related materials for APLs to present. Additionally, coordinators assist APLs with identifying and securing appropriate meeting locations and recruit, orient, and oversee childcare providers for ASK meetings. Objective 4: Publicize support groups Program Coordinators monitor and track APL recruitment efforts and offer strategies for how APLs can best publicize support groups in their area. An ASK website is maintained that provides the date, location, training schedule and APL’s contact information for each support group meeting offered. An ASK Facebook Page is also administered to promote the program.. Program Coordinators and APLs attend adoption fairs and other events throughout the state to promote ASK services. Objective 5: Provide support and training to foster and adoptive parents through ASK Adoptive Parent Liaisons ASK APLs provide support, training, and/or relevant foster/adoptive information to Kentucky’s foster and adoptive families through various platforms and modalities (i.e. face-to-face, virtual/online, phone, secure social media). Additionally, Cabinet-approved training may be provided by APLs through one-on-one meetings with foster parents in accordance with the practice guidance for DCBS Standard of Practice 12:15 regarding Ongoing Foster Parent Training. The contact information of each APL is included on regional promotional materials. APLs are available to support foster/adoptive parents 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Objective 6: Administer Adoption Awareness Campaign Program Coordinators collaborate with the DCBS Adoptions Branch to develop an Adoption Awareness Campaign during the month of November to help bring awareness to Kentucky’s children who are available for adoption. Objective 7: Develop and implement ongoing virtual service provision plans Program staff will develop and implement continuity plans for ASK service provision using virtual platforms and technologies. These virtual service provision plans will be executed as needed to ensure the continuity of ASK services to foster/adoptive parents across the Commonwealth. The University of Kentucky utilizes Subcontractor for grants.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/22


  • KY Department of Community Based Services: $513,619.00


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