Smoking Cessation Practices in Community Tx Programs

Grants and Contracts Details


This study has five specific aims: 1. To systematically describe the adoption and implementation of the clinical practice guideline, Treatina Tobacco Use and Dependence (Fiore et aI., 2000) within publicly funded substance abuse treatment centers, privately funded substance abuse treatment centers, and therapeutic communities. 2. To measure tobacco-related policies, including environmental policies and insurance coverage for smoking cessation among employees, within these three types of substance abuse treatment settings. 3. To examine longitudinally whether pharmacological approaches to smoking cessation have expanded over time. 4. To model the organizational predictors of the adoption and implementation of the three main parts of the clinical practice guideline (i.e. the 5 A's, pharmacotherapies, and counseling). 5. To examine substance abuse treatment counselor attitudes toward smoking cessation.
Effective start/end date4/1/063/31/11


  • National Institute on Drug Abuse: $771,426.00


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