Southeast Dairy Business Innovation Initiative - Phase 6

Grants and Contracts Details


Southeast Dairy Business Initiative – Phase 6 Abstract A continued collaboration with partners at the University of TN and NC State is proposed that will build on regional work supporting profitability and business development for small dairies in the Mid-South U.S. This 3-year project will seek to greatly expand the number of Kentucky dairies participating in the Dairy Gauge program, will continue the development and delivery of the Market Ready program, and will enhance the collaborator between faculty across institutions to examine production practices related to carbon credit objectives. A collaboration between UK Ag Economists developed with the goal of shared project support with larger project team members regionally and led by the University of Tennessee. Our KY proposal will specifically emphasize the following: 1. Expanding the number of Kentucky dairies in the Dairy Gauge program through employing an Extension Specialist with a background in finance that can work directly with dairy producers to collect and summarize financial data. This individual will serve as the primary Dairy Gauge contact in Kentucky. 2. Collaboration on the development and analysis of a survey tool through Dairy Gauge, and other producer associations, to assess production practices related to possible carbon credit objectives. 3. Continue development and delivery of the Market Ready program for producers wishing to expand product and marketing channels for dairy products.
Effective start/end date9/30/239/30/26


  • University of Tennessee: $244,308.00


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