Grants and Contracts Details
In phase 1, the Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (SRCSP) examined the
potential for C02 sequestration and enhanced coalbcd methane recovery in the Southwest Virginia Coal
Field. This coalfield borders the southeastern part of the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field. The SRCSP
proposes extending geological characterization of coals for C02 sequestration potential into Kentucky
counties with similar geology to those examined in southwest Virginia. The Kentucky Geological Survey
(KGS) would aid in characterization of coal-bearing strata and potential coal reservoirs in the study area.
KGS has broad experience in the geology of the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field and a horehole record
database with more than 1,700 public and confidential borehole records in Pike and Harlan counties, which
border Virginia. KGS also has an extensive oil and gas database with more than 2,900 wells with
geophysical logs in Pike and Harlan Counties. Because many drillers case off all or part of the coal-bearing
section, some fraction of these wells could be used in geologic characterization.
KGS can participate in coal research tasks of the SRCSP by providing standard coal analyses for
coal samples collected in the partnership region. KGS can look for opportunities to piggyback on oil and
gas or coal exploration wells in order to obtain whole coal samples for analyses where needed. The KGS
coal lab is equipped to run proximate (%' moisture, % ash, {7£volatile matter, o/c fixed carhon) analyses,
calorific value, total sulfur, petrographic analyses, as well as methane desorption. Any gas analyses or
isotherm data would have to be contracted to an outside lab. The KGS coal lab has adopted an
intralaboratory performance testing program with the U.S. Geological Survey, INTERLAB (Vanguard
Solutions), CANSPEX (Quality Associates International Ltd.), and Analytical Geochemistry Laboratories
(International Association of Geoanalysts) to ensure quality analyses.
KGS can also participate in education outreach efforts of the SRCSP. KGS ha-; an award-winning
website (\vww.ukv.cdu/KGS/) with information about the geology of the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field and
a significant education component through its Earth Science Education Network. Information could bc
expanded to include carhon sequestration. KGS staff have participated in numerous teacher workshops in
eastcrn Kentucky in partnership with the Department of Education at the University of Kentucky and the
Kentucky Coal Association. KGS could also help plan and participate in sequestration workshops in
partnership with efforts in southwestern Virginia.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 10/1/05 → 11/30/09 |
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: $66,000.00
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