Specialty Crop: Evaluating Low Tunnel Vegetable Production Systems for Improving Local Food Availability in Kentucky

Grants and Contracts Details


In this project, we propose evaluating low tunnel systems for winter vegetable production in Kentucky. We will examine a number of vegetable varieties, including mache, chervil, borage, radish, spinach, garlic, leeks, radicchio, arugula and others, as well as row covers options including different row cover weights and manufacturers such as Gro-Guard and Agribon. Two years of replicated trials at sites in eastern and central Kentucky will help add to the body of knowledge and allow this system to be expanded across the region. In order to determine the current use and potential impact of low tunnels for winter vegetable production in Kentucky, we will begin the project with a survey of producers to determine current low tunnel use, and a survey of institutional buyers to assess potential market impact. During the second winter of production, project results will be communicated via a webinar, an Extension fact sheet, and a presentation at the annual Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Grower’s Conference. After dissemination of project results, growers and institutional buyers will be re-surveyed to determine project impact, as well as future areas for growth. This will allow us to help growers extend their season at farmer’s markets and increase direct sales to restaurants and institutional buyers. We will be evaluating vegetable varieties, and row covers options for winter vegetable production in Kentucky. This will allow us to help growers extend their season at farmer’s markets and increase direct sales to restaurants and institutional buyers. Replicated trials to evaluate the different row cover weights and manufacturers, as well as varietal evaluations while help add to the body of knowledge and allow this system to be expanded across the region.
Effective start/end date12/1/159/30/18


  • KY Department of Agriculture: $26,352.00


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