SPR 14-471: Cost-Effectiveness of Pavement Crack Sealing

  • Hunsucker, David (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The objectives of this research are: 1) determine the overall cost-effectiveness of crack sealing relative to extending pavement performance, 2) establish the most economical and effective methods of sealing pavement cracks, and 3) to better determine the role of crack sealing within Kentucky’s overall pavement management system. Cracking may be associated with various distress mechanisms. Crack types include: fatigue cracks, longitudinal cracks, transverse cracks, block cracks, reflective cracks, edge cracks, and slippage cracks. Experience suggests that water, present in pavement layers, hastens pavement deterioration and increases rehabilitation costs. Pavement cracks are usually sealed to prevent water from entering into base course layers and thereby extending pavement life. It is anticipated this research will provide definitive answers to whether or not pavement crack sealing is cost effective and the extent to which it extends pavement life. Further, it is expected that the results of this effort will be used to define the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s long-term preventative maintenance goals with respect to the use of crack sealing techniques and materials. An extensive literature review and survey of current practices relating to the use and effectiveness of crack sealing materials and techniques will be conducted. Guidelines will be developed for the Cabinet from the review of pertinent literature and survey of current practice. The guidelines will provide directions for the selection of suitable pavements and cracks for maintenance activities, sealant materials, and effective application procedures.
Effective start/end date7/1/146/30/16


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