SPR 15-498: Evaluation of Construction Joint Failure—Synthesis of Past Work

Grants and Contracts Details


This study would expand on our recent longitudinal joint study (which primarily looked at construction techniques) to review other material and roadway geometric issues which may be leading to the observed distresses along our longitudinal joints. This project will be a synthesis of work that has already been completed both within Kentucky and across the nation. Guidelines will be developed to help addresses these issues, which should improve our longitudinal joint performance and require less maintenance and early rehabilitation, which would allow for more efficient spending of available funding. Longitudinal Joints along our roadways continue to exhibit early age distress. These distresses accelerate the need to prematurely rehabilitate roadways which are in otherwise good condition. It is anticipated that this study will identify other factors beyond the conventional construction issues already addressed that contribute to the performance of our longitudinal construction joint. Guidelines will be developed to help addresses these issues, which should improve our longitudinal joint performance and require less maintenance and early rehabilitation, which would allow for more efficient spending of available funding.
Effective start/end date7/1/146/30/17


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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