SPR 18-556 Investigation for KY-For-Hire Requirements

Grants and Contracts Details


All for-hire carriers who pick up and drop off the same cargo in Kentucky have Kentucky Intrastate for-hire authority. Interstate and intrastate for-hire motor carriers must have this authority if they plan to pick up and drop off the same cargo in Kentucky (unless they are hauling an exempt commodity as described in KRS 281.605). This requirement does not apply to transporting household goods or passengers intrastate. Requirements are specified in KRS 281.630, and regulatoty authority is established by PMCSR 392.2AU. Administrators in the Department of Vehicle Regulation are investigating the possibility of eliminating the Ky.-for-hire operating authority requirement altogether. The renewal is labor intensive, difficult for Kentucky State Police to enforce, and the number of carriers to whom in applies have increasingly dwindled in recent years. However, eliminating the credential could create unintended consequences that Ky.-for-hire was intended to prevent. I
Effective start/end date7/1/176/30/19


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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