SPR 20-591: Best Practices for Performance Measurement in Transportation Maintenance and Operations

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet's (KYTC) maintenance activities and operations are directed by several core functions, including responding to resident needs, sustaining mobility, and maintaining assets. One way to ensure the performance of maintenance activities and associated functions remains at the highest level is through the transparent application of performance measures. Deploying intuitive and readily inte1pretable performance measurement benefits all stakeholders, increases organizational accountability for its activities, and helps the Cabinet continuously improve its operations. Data are often collected on many facets of transportation maintenance and operations, however, identifying best practices to use these data in the creation of meaningful performance measures is challenging. This project will examine best practices for performance measurement used at different state transportation agencies to determine what types of performance measures are most appropriate for implementation in Kentucky. Any performance measure adopted should adhere to the SMART1 criteria. Researchers will also study the use of performance measures to prioritize activities in maintenance and operations.
Effective start/end date7/1/196/30/21


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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