SPR 2013 Prime KTC: 2+1 Lane Usage

Grants and Contracts Details


Current capacity analysis procedures for two-lane roadways are inadequate and do not directly quantify the capacity of the roadway. Furthermore, the only currently utilized alternative to a two-lane roadway is a four-lane facility, which has significant cost and impact associated with it. Therefore, there is a need to 1) better understand the actual capacity and operational conditions of two-lane facilities and 2) identify feasible alternatives to fill the need between a 2-lane and four-lane roadway. The objective of this project will be to • evaluate the capacity limitations of 2-lane roadways, • identify capacity improvements for 2-lane roadways other than 4-lane roads • provide design guidance for 2+1 Lane Designs • provide alternative selection guidance for facility selection.
Effective start/end date7/1/126/30/13


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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