SPR 2013 Prime KTC: Bridge Deck Rapid Repair

Grants and Contracts Details


The objective of this research is to test a number of recently developed rapid-set products under ambient winter-time conditions, and to develop a process and a training course to assist KyTC in the rapid evaluation and repair of potholes in bridge decks in winter. Current methods for repairing potholes in bridge decks in winter are not generally successful due to rapid separation of the filler material from the pothole walls. In addition, current repair methods require lengthy lane closure. A better approach is needed to rapidly and efficiently repair these potholes. Newly developed rapid set concretes and resin-based concretes have been introduced to the market. Some of these products can set quickly in temperatures reaching below freezing. The evaluation of these materials for rapid pothole repair in winter may provide an ideal solution to this problem.
Effective start/end date7/1/126/30/13


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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