SPR 2013 Prime KTC: Development of Design Guidance

Grants and Contracts Details


The objective of this research is to update the Highway Design Manual to reflect advances and changes in the practice since the last update of the manual. Final deliverables include 1) the revised highway design manual 2) technical memorandum summarizing key changes and any rationale for changes and 3) PowerPoint presentation with notes identifying key changes and rationale suitable for delivery by KYTC. The Highway Design Manual maintained by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has been prepared to provide information and guidance to personnel of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Its purpose is to establish uniformity in the interpretation of laws policies, regulations and procedures applicable to the operation of the Division of Highway Design and its relationship with other units of the Cabinet. The current edition of the Highway Design Manual was adopted by Secretary Bill Nighbert on February 7th, 2006, under official order 103457. Since that time, over 28 individual design memos have been issued which provide additional guidance and/or information supplemental to the Highway Design Manual. These memos range on topics from temporary drainage structures, to value engineering study requirements to guardrail end treatments and roundabout intersection design policies. The last update of Highway Design Manual was completed in 2006 and currently supplemental information is provided in over 28 different design memos. As the design manual is currently outdated and pertinent design information is located in over 29 different locations, there is a need to update the design manual and provide a comprehensive resource for the design engineer. Furthermore, there is a need to establish a more efficient format for the manual that will allow the design manual to be easily updated in the future to reflect changes in policy and/or recommended practice.
Effective start/end date7/1/126/30/13


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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