SPR 2013 Prime KTC: Development of training of Traffic Tech

Grants and Contracts Details


The objective of this project is to a develop training and a certification process for traffic signal technicians. A practical and cost-effective training and certification program will be provided for the Transportation Cabinet’s traffic signal technicians. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has a logistics and cost issue with training and retaining qualified traffic signal technicians. Additionally, available training is not specific to the traffic signal technicians’ duties. Due to these factors, evaluation and consideration should be given to the feasibility of developing an in-house certification process for traffic signal technicians that better match the knowledge, skills, and abilities required by these KYTC employees. Current employment class specifications for highway traffic signal technicians require certification by the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) to be considered for promotional opportunities in the traffic signal technician series. The IMSA classes are costly, requiring initial certification, as well as recertification every two-years. Training is typically offered at one location within the state and on a limited schedule, which is problematic considering schedules of KYTC’s signal technicians, as well as their locations throughout the state. Additionally, the IMSA training has been developed independent of specific duties of the signal technicians and specific hardware and software components in use by KYTC. Therefore, the applicability of the IMSA course in meeting the training requirements of the signal technicians has been questioned..
Effective start/end date7/1/126/30/13


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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