SPR 22-617, Investigation of Illegal Weigh Station Bypassing

Grants and Contracts Details


PROBLEM STATEMENT Kentucky offers the ability to bypass Kentucky weigh stations by using mainline screening services such as PrePass or Drivewyze. Motor carriers are vetted by Kentucky prior to being eligible to utilize bypass screening services and then are screened again by those services immediately prior to the weigh station. A problem has surfaced, however, where motor carriers are being observed illegally bypassing these weigh stations. Some of these motor carriers are shadowing a PrePass or Drivewyze truck with bypass clearance as it passes the station – a practice known as “ghosting.” Others are boldly bypassing on the mainline even though they have no authority to do so. Still others are pulling into the weigh station only to disregard weigh station signage when directed to stop and park for inspection. The problem has been precipitated by a severe reduction in the number of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE) personnel and the need to move officers away from the weigh stations to focus on traffic enforcement and roadside inspections. Inspectors staffing the weigh stations lack the authority to chase down vehicles whose drivers do not comply with weigh station signage. OBJECTIVES • Collect data about illegal weigh station bypasses at weigh station locations around the state • Investigate tax, credentialing and safety issues for carriers who illegally bypass weigh stations • Analyze statewide impact of illegal weigh station bypassing • Research potential solutions to help reduce the number of illegal bypasses • Develop best practices and implementation plan
Effective start/end date7/1/216/30/22


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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