SPR 22-623, Recommendations on how to Capture and Prioritize Bicycle and Pedestrian Needs in Kentucky

Grants and Contracts Details


It is apparent people are using non-motorized means of travel more today than 20 years ago as a primary means of transportation – as supported by data and observation. This trend does not appear to be going away anytime in the foreseeable future. How do we ensure KYTC is giving appropriate consideration to these modes of transportation? How do we make sure limited funds are used in a data-driven prioritized way? These questions and more are the basis for this SPR project. As the demand for non-motorized transportation projects continue to grow, it is in the best interest of KYTC and taxpayers that a data-driven solution be developed for these needs.
Effective start/end date7/1/216/30/24


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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