SPR 22-632 Best Practices for Highway Project Scoping

Grants and Contracts Details


At KYTC project development is hampered by uncertainty over project scopes. Clearly defining the project scope early in the project development is imperative. An unclear or inaccurate scope may need significant revision once the project is programmed — when a Data Needs Assessment (DNA) is done. A scope mismatch may delay project delivery or result in overpromising what will be delivered. KYTC needs to implement tools to help program and project managers narrow and hone a project’s scope before it is programmed. Critical scrutiny should be directed toward (1) the DNA’s relationship with other scoping documents and (2) relationships between different scoping products. OBJECTIVES • Prepare guidance to help KYTC staff develop scopes for proposed projects not yet included (or only include a planning phase) in the Highway Plan • Develop a Project Development Leaders training help KYTC staff prepare and review preliminary project scopes
Effective start/end date7/1/216/30/22


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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