State Injury Prevention Program FY20 - Osteoporosis

Grants and Contracts Details


1. Continue to collaborate with Kentucky Injury Prevention Research Center (KIPRC) to maintain the information technology (IT) infrastructure necessary to continue the transmittal of all Nationally Consistent Data and Measures to the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network as per stated in our contractual agreement with CDC, Award: CDC-RFA-EH14-140303, Maintenance and Enhancement of the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. This is being accomplished through the Indicator-based Information System for Public Health (IBIS) platform. 2. Use IBIS, which is a set of open source software applications that provide web-based querying of SAS datasets, the centralized management of indicator reports, as well as other content for health topics. IBIS is a web-based, public access network of standardized electronic health and environmental data. The IBIS software was developed to meet recognized public health assessment needs, including tabulation of vital statistics data, tracking of progress on Healthy People 2020 goals, and the displaying of data for local communities. The newest IBIS version will provide more mapping capacity and local level data, which is critical to displaying public health information in spatial format and help practitioners tell the story.
Effective start/end date7/1/186/30/20


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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