State Nutrition and Physical Activity Programs to Prevent Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases

Grants and Contracts Details


. Participate on the Steering Committee for the Obesity Prevention grant and attend and participate in Obesity Prevention State Planning meetings. . Collaborate with state staff in the development of an Obesity and Related Chronic . Diseases Burden Document, Print and distribute . Assist in identifying evidence based interventions in the areas of physical activity, nutrition and obesity prevention suitable for use at the sate and local level. . Procure educational material for Coalition use in developing the state plan. . Provide the Program Coordinator with routine budget and status reports. . Report any changes in personnel executing this contract and obtain approval in advance from KDPH for these changes. . Documents, tools and products developed as.part of this contract become the property of the Kentucky Department for Public Health.
Effective start/end date7/1/066/30/07


  • KY Health Services Cabinet: $25,000.00


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