Grants and Contracts Details
The KY State Office of Rural Health (KSORH) has made significant progress by restructuring
and consolidating Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grants as one central
management unit. The KY State Office of Rural Health manages and administers the
development, implementation and coordination of the following Health Resources and Services
Administration grant programs throughout the State of Kentucky.
. KY Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (RHFP)
. KY State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP)
. KY Small Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP)
. Rural Access to Emergency Devices (RAED)
The KY State Office of Rural Health maintains a clearinghouse that has been expanded
through KY Rural Health Works, a joint program of the University of Kentucky College of
Agriculture and the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. Through this program,
information has been disseminated to 41 rural communities and providers. In addition, the KY
State Office of Rural Health advisory committee was established to facilitate and expedite the
information clearinghouse. This advisory committee plays a pertinent role in rural health issues
and policy development.
, The State Loan RepaymentProgramhas beenfunded and appropriateadministrative control
has been established. The State Loan Repayment Program and 3RNet programs are working
collaboratively with other state organizations to promote recruitment and retention of health care
providers in rural areas of Kentucky.
The KY State Office of Rural Health has assumed administrative functions of the KY Rural
Health Association (KRHA).. These functions include assisting with financial management,
membership and applications, website updates, conference organization and display of exhibits.
Activities to be conducted for the remainder of the current budget period include expansion of
KY Rural Health Works and State Loan Repayment Programs. The KY State Office of Rural
Health will continue to build new partnerships within the University of Kentucky, Le., KY TeleCare.
The KY State Office of Rural Health is committed to supporting and promoting the KY Rural
Health Association through expansion of membership. This will enhance diversity in rural
communities and support the mission of the KY Rural Health Association.
The KY State Office of Rural Health will assist the UK Center for Rural, Health information
specialist (public relations) in developing a statewide media plan that includes the expansion of
the quarterly newsletter through electronic means.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/03 → 6/30/04 |
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