State Office of Rural Health Grant Program

  • Allen, Larry (PI)
  • Casey, Baretta (CoI)
  • Lewis, Peggy (CoI)
  • Samuels, Michael (CoI)
  • Wilson, Emery (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Office of Rural Health (KORH) is organizationally assigned to the University of Kentucky Office of Research and Development located in the urban city of Lexington. The KORH is physically housed in the University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health, located in Hazard, a rural community in the Appalachian Mountains of southeastern Kentucky. The mission of the KORH is to support the health and well-being of Kentuckians by promoting access to rural health services. We believe that efforts to address healthcare must begin with the citizens, providers and policymakers in the communities in which they live. The KORH assists clinicians, administrators and consumers find ways to improve communications, finances and access to quality health care while insuring that funding agencies and policy makers are made aware of the needs of rural communities. This office is committed to working with partners who share the same activities and values. The core functions of the KORH are: 1) Collection and dissemination of information; 2) Coordination of rural health resources & activities statewide; 3) Provision of technical assistance; 4) Encourage recruitment and retention of health professionals in rural areas and 5) Participate in strengthening State, local and Federal partnerships. Kentucky is the 10th most rural state in the nation, 44 percent of Kentuckian's live in rural counties compared to 17 percent for the United States. The state has a significantly higher than average proportion of the population that is subject to chronic illness and death, and has a higher than average percentage of the uninsured. Only 5 of Kentucky's 120 counties have per capita incomes above the national average. Data from 2007 revealed that 95 of these counties are partially or completely medically underserved, Kentucky has the highest percent of adults in the nation with barriers to healthcare.1 Seventy-nine counties have a percentage of elderly population above the national average. According to the 2000 Census, 90 percent of the state's population is Caucasian, 7.5 percent is African American and 1 .9 percent is of Hispanic/Latino origin.
Effective start/end date8/1/916/30/10


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