State Water Research Institute Program Fiscal Year 2006 Scope 5

  • Workman, Stephen (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky State Office of Rural Health (SORH) established in 1991 is a Federal/State partnership, authorized by Federal Legislation. The Kentucky State Office of Rural Health is housed within the University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health located in Hazard, Kentucky, a rural area located in the Appalachian Mountains of southeastern Kentucky. The State Office of Rural Health provides a framework for linking small rural communities with state and federal resources while working toward long-term solutions to rural health issues. Kentucky State Office of Rural Health collaborates with public and private entities statewide, and at the regional and national levels, to help increase rural access to health care. In Kentucky, approximately 52 percent of the population and 83 percent of the counties are located in rural or non-metropolitan areas. Eighty-eight of the ninety eight counties in Kentucky considered to be rural are partially or completely medically underserved or have shortages of health professionals. Residents in these rural areas continue to have a declining population base, fewer physicians than in urban areas, and a higher rate of unemployment, poverty and population over the age of 65. Limited private and public transportation also lessens access to health care services in these rural areas. The Kentucky State Office of Rural Health assists clinicians, administrators and consumers find ways to improve communications, finances and access to quality health care while strengthening state and federal partnerships, insuring that funding agencies and policy makers are made aware of the needs of rural communities. The Kentucky State Office of Rural Health program activities include: 1) collection and dissemination of rural health care information and data, 2) coordination of rural resources, 3) providing technical assistance, 4) promoting the recruitment and retention of health professionals in rural areas, 5) strengthening local, state and federal partnerships in rural health. The Kentucky State Office of Rural Health manages and provides oversight for the development, implementation and coordination of the following Health Resources and Services Administration grant programs throughout the State of Kentucky. " Kentucky Rural Hospital Flexibility Program " Kentucky State Loan Repayment Program
Effective start/end date3/1/066/30/07


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