Statewide eHealth Study

Grants and Contracts Details


In its e-Health Action Plan published in April 2007, the Kentucky e-Health Network Board (KeHN) approved the objective of conducting a statewide analysis of medical trading areas, a baseline measure of use of health information technology in health care and an assessment of provider and practitioner needs. In addition, in February 2007, CHFS was awarded a federal Medicaid Transformation Grant for the development of a statewide e-Health portal. Under this grant, CHFS is obligated to work with the two universities to conduct a statewide study of use and effectiveness of the proposed portal. Two items are covered by this contract with the University of Kentucky: (1) Health IT Inventory and Needs Assessment; and (2) Design of the Kentucky Health Information Partnership (K-HIP) portal evaluation plan.
Effective start/end date9/1/078/31/08


  • KY Health Services Cabinet: $130,000.00


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