Student Worker Training in Heritage Digital Archiving - Jefferson County Phase I Digitization Project (HMGP 1912-0034)

Grants and Contracts Details


Digitization of historic resources survey forms facilitates sharing data with the public and professional consultants carrying out assessments for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and similar laws and regulations. This project will employ a historic preservation or architecture student to scan survey forms and related materials for 16 hours per week in the offices of the Kentucky Heritage Council (KHC) in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the 2019-20 academic year. The student will gain valuable experience in digitization methods and assist in ensuring the integrity of information incorporated into electronic databases, with online access as a final goal. The student will also benefit from learning how survey data is maintained and processed for electronic access. In addition, processing hundreds of survey forms and related documentation will benefit the student’s understanding of historic preservation practice and architectural history. Professor Daniel Vivian will oversee the project. KHC staff will supervise the student on a day-to-day basis and ensure that all work performed meets the KHC standards for digitization of historic survey forms.
Effective start/end date1/15/208/30/20


  • Louisville Jefferson Co Metropolitan Sewer: $30,000.00


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