Studies on Molluscicides, Potash, Slug Management

Grants and Contracts Details


Raul Villanueva – 2022 Proposal to KSPB Title: Studying Molluscicides, Potash, and Carabid Beetles for Slug Management Abstract: This project will evaluate the use of and effectiveness of molluscicides, rates of potash, and the impact of predacious activities of carabid ground beetles on slugs in experimental or commercial soybean fields. In 2021 when slugs caused major problems in commercial soybeans, some farmers needed to replant up to four times in several counties (i.e., Lyon, Caldwell, Henderson, Daviess). In the REC at Princeton, we developed several studies to study the efficacy of two molluscicides, potash and detected consumption of eggs, immature and adult slugs by carabid beetles (species in process to be identified). Here we are going to repeat these studies and evaluate the effects of using combinations of molluscicides and potash in slugs, as well as to identified and finish the study on predatory carabid beetles.
Effective start/end date5/15/226/30/23


  • Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board: $18,140.00


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