Grants and Contracts Details
The purpose of this project is to support qualified public and private not-for-profit organizations
in serving eligible low income Kentuckians living with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) by facilitation and assurance of early access to high
quality health care and support services.
Part B federal funding is used to assist States and Territories in developing and/or enhancing
access to a comprehensive continuum of high quality, community-based care for eligible people
living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH/A). A comprehensive HIV/AIDS continuum of care includes core
medical and support related medical services.
National HIV/AIDS strategy (NHAS) goals:
a) Reduce the number of people who become infected with HIV.
b) Increase access to care and optimizing health outcomes for people living with HIV.
c) Reduce HIV-related health disparities.
The funds provided through this project are from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family
Services, Department for Public Health (KDPH) in a Cooperative Agreement with the Health
Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB). These funds are
restricted for specific HIV/AIDS Core and Support Services targeting HIV/AIDS infected
populations in accordance with the latest Kentucky Ryan White Part B Comprehensive Care
services plan and the Kentucky Ryan White Part B grant application to HRSA.
The Kentucky HIV/AIDS Direct Services Program is a federally mandated component of the
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Extension Care Act of 2009 (The Act). In Kentucky, direct services are
administered through HIV/AIDS Section, Ryan White Part B program. The Act has allocated
"Part B" federal funds to support this project, and other funds are provided by the
Commonwealth of Kentucky through the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services,
Department for Public Health, HIV/AIDS Section.
The Part B program coordinates its activities with other resource agencies, such as Housing
Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPW/A), local and/or District health departments,
University clinics, Ryan White Part C and D clinics, private providers, AIDS Service
Organizations (ASOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs). This direct referral system
ensures effective/efficient use of funding and facilitates maximum services available to clients
and assures prevention of duplication of services among agencies and health care providers to
individual clients. The Ryan White Part B program is a payer of last resort.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/22 → 6/30/23 |
- KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $3,952,253.00
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