Summer Research Conference in Statistics and Biostatistics

  • Stromberg, Arnold (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The investigator and his colleagues will organize and conduct a Summer Research Conference (SRC) in statistics and biostatistics at the Villas by the Sea Resort and Conference Center, in Jekyll Island, Georgia on June 4-7, 2017. The 2017 SRC will be the 53rd anniversary of that conference. The SRC is an annual conference sponsored by the Southern Regional Council on Statistics (SRCOS). Its purpose is to encourage the interchange and mutual understanding of current research ideas in statistics and biostatistics, and to give motivation and direction to further research progress. The project will focus on young researchers, placing them in close proximity to leaders in the field for person-to-person interactions in a manner not possible at most other meetings. Speakers will present formal research talks with adequate time allowed for clarification, amplification, and further informal discussions in small groups. Under the travel support provided by this award students will attend and present their research in posters to be reviewed by more experienced researchers. The Southern Regional Council on Statistics is a consortium of statistics and biostatistics programs in the South, stretching as far west as Texas and as far north as Maryland. It currently has member programs at 45 universities in 16 states in the region. This project will fund student participation in the 2017 Summer Research Conference (SRC) sponsored by SRCOS. The meeting is particularly valuable for students and faculty from smaller regional schools at drivable distances, affording them the opportunity to participate and interact closely with internationally-known leaders in the field without the cost of travel to distant national or international venues. It will strengthen the research of the statistics and biostatistics community as a whole, and particularly in the relatively underdeveloped southern region. For all details, go to the conference link at
Effective start/end date5/1/174/30/18


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