Supplement: Markey Cancer Center Support Grant CURE Supplement

Grants and Contracts Details


The Markey Cancer Center (MCC), a dedicated matrix cancer center and integral component of the University of Kentucky (UK) and the UK HealthCare enterprise, has undergone dramatic expansion in recent years that accelerated after obtaining support through the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center Support Grant mechanism in 2013. This significant momentum is being harnessed to drive a measurable reduction in cancer incidence and mortality in Kentucky, particularly Appalachian Kentucky, through a comprehensive program of cancer research, prevention, community outreach, education, and patient care. The MCC is situated on a campus with all six health professions colleges in close proximity and offers a history of rich transdisciplinary collaboration, an outstanding program of cancer prevention and control that has produced seminal work in Appalachian Kentucky, nationally acclaimed basic research programs with thematic foci in cancer biology and cell signaling, epigenetics, DNA repair, metabolism and oxidative stress, and a translational therapeutics program complemented by a top five College of Pharmacy. Through this NCI administrative supplement, we will enhance our education and outreach initiatives by building a pipeline program – MCC Career Training in Oncology Program (MCC CTOP) – for UK Appalachian undergraduate students to gain substantive cancer research, clinical, outreach and education experiences that will enrich their interest in science and enhance the likelihood that they will pursue careers focused on cancer research, education/prevention, and/or clinical care with a particular emphasis on addressing the cancer burden in Appalachian Kentucky. The Specific Aims of the program are to: 1) provide a core cancer research experience for participants in MCC CTOP through cross-disciplinary research training; 2) motivate and support students with experiential training in cancer through courses, seminars, and workshops that will build their research skills and confidence as future cancer-focused professionals; 3) actively support and encourage outreach and dissemination opportunities for MCC CTOP students locally, regionally and nationally; and 4) evaluate the progress of MCC CTOP, its students, and participating faculty and track the progression of our students through their academic and cancer-focused careers. Our overarching goal is to generate the enthusiasm and instill passion in our Appalachian undergraduate students to address the significant cancer burden in their home communities through a lifelong commitment and dedication to cancer research, better preventative strategies and enhanced clinical care.
Effective start/end date7/9/186/30/19


  • National Cancer Institute


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