Supplement to Epicatechin-rich COCOA to Improve Walking Performance in PAD: the COCOA-PAD-S Study

  • Peterson, Charlotte (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


As a co-investigator in the COCOA-PAD S study (Northwestern University, PI: Mary McGrae McDermott, MD), I will measure changes in calf skeletal muscle MyoD, Pax7, Ki67, P-16, and embryonic myosin heavy chain in response to epicatechin-rich cocoa in frozen human muscle biopsies shipped to the University of Kentucky from Northwestern University. We have budgeted for immunohistochemical analyses of muscle cross-sections for 56 specimens. The 56 specimens is based on the fact that we anticipated that approximately 2/3 of the 44 randomized participants will undergo muscle biopsy and that approximately 90% of those who undergo a baseline muscle biopsy will have a six-month follow-up muscle biopsy. Digital microscopic images, as well as quantification of the images, will be provided to investigators at Northwestern. We will communicate regularly by phone, email and video conferencing, and I will attend at least one meeting annually at Northwestern University. This component of the COCOA-PAD-S trial enables us to delineate biologic pathways underlying the beneficial effects of epicatechin-rich cocoa in patients with PAD. Identifying biologic mechanisms will help identify new therapies, with similar biologic actions, that improve walking performance in people with PAD.
Effective start/end date7/1/172/28/19


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