Supplement: University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center Support Grant CCITLA (Rachel Miller)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Markey Cancer Center (MCC), a dedicated matrix cancer center established as an integral part of the University of Kentucky (UK) and the UK HealthCare enterprise, has undergone dramatic expansion in recent years and has recently obtained support through the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center Support Grant mechanism. This significant momentum is being harnessed to drive a measurable reduction in cancer mortality in Kentucky, particularly Appalachian Kentucky, through a comprehensive program of cancer research, prevention, and patient care. Situated on a campus with all six health professions colleges in proximity to each other, the MCC offers a history of rich transdisciplinary collaboration, an outstanding program of cancer prevention and control that has produced seminal work in Appalachian Kentucky, nationally acclaimed basic research programs in cancer biology and DNA repair and oxidative stress, and a translational therapeutics program complemented by a top five College of Pharmacy. Major efforts are being made to further enhance the clinical research activity at the MCC. This administrative supplement will provide critical support for further developing and retaining a mid-level clinician-scientist leader that is essential to the clinical research enterprise of the MCC.
Effective start/end date7/8/136/30/18


  • National Cancer Institute


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