Support for Technician Position with the Kentucky Soybean Variety Performance Program

  • Venard, Claire (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The goal of this project is to support the technician position with the Kentucky Soybean Variety Performance Test program. The soybean variety performance test program conducts unbiased, independent variety yield testing across the main soybean production areas of Kentucky. The information provided by the program may be used by growers and seed producers to aid in selecting varieties that will give the highest production in their specific production system. The technical position provides support with planting, agronomic management, plot maintenance, notes and observations in the field, harvest, sample collection and data processing. The Technician is also encouraged to participate to educational events such field days, seed industry field tour, pesticide usage and agronomy training, and national and international meetings.
Effective start/end date7/1/168/31/17


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