Support for the 7th International Forum on Sustainable Manufacturing on Sustainable Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 Era

Grants and Contracts Details


This proposal seeks funding to cover participant support costs for the 7th International Forum on Sustainable Manufacturing to be held tentatively on March 26-27, 2020 at the University of Kentucky premises in Lexington, KY. The theme of the event will be ‘Sustainable Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 Era’. The proposed forum aims to bring together nationally and internationally recognized academic experts, industry practitioners, government agency representatives as well as emerging researchers such as tenure-track assistant professors and post-doctoral scholar and graduate students to: • Share cutting-edge research and industry practices in product, process and systems domains to enable total lifecycle-based sustainable manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 era • Provide a platform for different stakeholders who can contribute to advancing research and practice of sustainable manufacturing to engage in dialogue and discussions • Identify industry technology needs, research directions and workforce development needs for advancing sustainable manufacturing capabilities • Increase awareness of sustainable manufacturing opportunities and challenges among all stakeholders Special features of the event include: 1) Invited presentations by experts in Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Manufacturing, 2) An ‘Emerging Researcher Showcase’ with presentations from early-career researchers, 3) A panel discussion on ‘Opportunities and Challenges to Sustainable Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 Era’, 4) A student poster showcase, and 5) A ‘Sustainable Manufacturing Student Project Competition’.
Effective start/end date11/15/1912/31/23


  • National Science Foundation: $49,920.00


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