Supported Employment Services Training Project

Grants and Contracts Details


Human Development Institute - University of Kentucky Supported Employment Training Project Statement of Work FY2022 & 2023 Staying abreast of the latest developments in supported employment and teaching these practices to Kentucky SE providers is a primary function of the SETP. One of the obstacles facing supported employment nationally is the discrepancy between what’s known about high-quality services and prevalent practices. This training project allows for initial and ongoing education in best practice of today and allows Employment Specialists to meet the continuing education requirements of OVR. It will create and manage a network of mentors for new providers. The project also communicates state and national training opportunities and relevant information in the field. The SETP offers sets of trainings – the Supported Employment Core Training Series, the Supported Employment Leadership Series, and a new Employment & Retention series - provides additional events and technical assistance upon request across Kentucky in order to expand and promote quality employment supports for those with significant disabilities.
Effective start/end date7/5/226/30/24


  • KY Department of Vocational Rehabilitation: $341,745.00


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