Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) 2022 Training--SARE KYMSP

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract—Model State Training Funds The funds in this proposal support professional development training in the area of sustainable agriculture. These trainings will be coordinated by the Program Assistant whose salary is included in the separate Program Assistant proposal. In our proposed programming this year, we have decided to focus on supporting travel for extension and other ag professionals to several remote sites where they will be able to expand their skills and knowldege. Our specific target audience will be agriculture service providers including Extension Agents, non-Agent extension personnel, non-profit employees, governmental employees, and farmer leaders. While the bulk of programming costs associated with the Third Thursday Thing are included in the Kentucky State University proposal, we do provide support to their monthly workshops and the program assistant supports both programs.
Effective start/end date7/1/23 → 6/30/25


  • University of Georgia: $22,000.00


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