Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program 2019

Grants and Contracts Details


Dr. Paul Vincelli is the UK State Coordinator and Brett Wolff as the Kentucky Program Assistant. In addition to his leadership of the program, Dr. Vincelli has brought expertise in the areas of climate change, cover crops, and GMO technology. Brett continues to act as a networker for the program, identifying new opportunities for collaboration and new venues to share SSARE resources. In our proposed programming this year, we are trying to respond to direct needs and requests from our technical assistance professional community. Specifically, they have made requests for funding to attend professional development opportunities that their current budgets cannot support. Given the high impact of these providers in producer communities, we feel that it fits well with the train-the- trainer model supported by SARE. These are specifically related to the fields of Organic Agriculture, as well as Urban Agriculture. While the bulk of programming costs associated with the Third Thursday Thing are included in the Kentucky State University proposal, we do provide support to their monthly workshops and have included travel support here.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/23


  • University of Georgia: $11,111.00


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