Synthesis Study of Costs and Trip Rates of Recent Household Travel Surveys

Grants and Contracts Details


The Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment (ORITE), a research center affiliated with Ohio University (OU), is pleased to submit this proposal to the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Office of Statewide Planning and Research in response to RFP Solicitation #2023-03 entitled Synthesis Study of Costs and Trip Rates of Recent Household Travel Surveys. The ORITE research team for this project will be led by Principal Investigator (P.I.) Dr. Issam Khoury with assistance from key personnel Elkan Kim of Ohio University and Dr. Gregory D. Erhardt of the University of Kentucky. The goal of this research is to enhance the fielding of ODOT’s household and long- distance travel surveys and the sample design of such surveys. As noted in RFP #2023-03, ODOT desires to understand how survey costs, trip rates, and other survey outcomes are affected by the use of convenience sampling plans, various modes of data collection, incorporating multiple and/or weekend days in surveys, and other factors. To support this goal, the ORITE research team will complete the following specific objectives: 1. Collect and synthesize information from recent household and long-distance travel surveys conducted by MPOs and DOTs in the U.S. and Canada. 2. Develop a database and workspace in the Power-BI program to report key results and present visualizations of the information collected. 3. Conduct a statistical analysis to answer key travel survey sample design and related questions as requested by ODOT in RFP #2023-03, as well as other questions that may arise during the study. 4. Develop a project report and other deliverables describing the project activities, analysis results, recommendations, implementation strategies, and guidance for use of the Power-BI workspace developed in the study. Conducting this research will provide ODOT’s Modeling and Forecasting team with crucial information on the sample design and implementation of household and long-distance travel surveys. Such surveys are used by ODOT and MPOs to develop travel demand models for a variety of important transportation planning activities. It is essential that such surveys be designed and implemented in a cost-effective manner while also collecting the data needed to operate the travel demand models. Certain aspects of sample design, such as the use of a convenience sample or the inclusion/omission of an additional weekday and/or a weekend diary day, may have a profound influence on the trip rates derived from the data set. Technology available to conduct travel surveys has also evolved rapidly in recent years. A more in-depth understanding of different modes of data collection, and the impact of these options on survey outcomes, also provides useful insight for planning future survey efforts.
Effective start/end date9/12/239/12/24


  • Ohio University: $20,549.00


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