TAAB - FY14 DUI Program Federal Portion -- Kentucky Treatment Outcome Study (KTOS)

Grants and Contracts Details


Kentucky’s Treatment Outcomes Study (KTOS) is a statewide substance abuse treatment client outcome study initiated in 1998 by the Division of Behavioral Health, Developmental, and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID) to serve as the statewide outcomes program to meet the legislative requirement for KRS 222.465. Data collection is required of all state funded treatment providers including outpatient, residential, or inpatient treatment programs licensed as a chemical dependency treatment service. Intake (baseline) data are collected by CMHC staff who read structured interview questions to each client and enter client responses into the University of Kentucky Center on Drug & Alcohol Research’s (UKCDAR) electronic data collection program. UKCDAR conducts high quality telephone follow-up interviews with a sample of consenting clients from KTOS, AKTOS, and KORTOS with scientifically recognized high follow up rates. The structured interviews used for data collection at intake and follow-up are based on the Addiction Severity Index with the goal of examining National Outcome Measures regarding changes in client substance use, employment, education, recovery support, and mental health.
Effective start/end date7/1/136/30/14


  • KY Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities


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