Take Action - Multi State Herbicide Resistant Crops and Weeds Educational Program

Grants and Contracts Details


STATEMENT OF WORK (University of Kentucky 3-22-21) The funding from this grant will be used to support research demonstrations and educational efforts to promote good stewardship with the introduction of new herbicide tolerant soybeans in Kentucky and continued educational efforts on managing herbicide-resistant weeds. Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus plameri), waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis), and horseweed (Conyza canadensis), are examples of glyphosate resistant weeds that will be targeted. In addition, populations of Amaranthus species have been identified in Kentucky to be resistant to herbicides within the PPO inhibitor mode of action group. Field technicians, graduate students, and undergraduate student employees will assist Extension weed scientists in conducting field demonstration trials and hosting educational activities such as field days and meetings throughout the state. Targeted audiences include growers, Extension agents, crop consultants, private and commercial pesticide applicators, and other agricultural industry representatives. In addition to personnel support and travel expenses, resources from this grant will be used to promote fundamentals on managing herbicide resistant weeds and stewardship of new soybean technologies in Kentucky. Various forms of print and electronic media consisting of traditional newsletters and web-based materials will also serve as outlets for disseminating information along with field days and producer meetings. University of Kentucky extension weed scientists will communicate and collaborate with other co-PI’s throughout the course of the project to continue developing fact sheets and other resource materials. Also, plans are to meet periodically as a workgroup to discuss progress and future direction of the project and to attend professional weed science meetings to exchange information on best management practices on handling herbicide-resistant weeds and to promote stewardship with new herbicide-tolerant crop traits.
Effective start/end date10/1/219/30/22


  • Purdue University: $15,000.00


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