TAP and Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence Project

Grants and Contracts Details


SFY 2010 Scope of Work In State Fiscal Year 2010 the University of Kentucky Center on Drug and Alcohol Research proposes to continue Targeted Assessment Program (TAP) services in the thirty-two (33) sites above. Services are delivered by 58 specialists statewide Eligibility Criteria Eligibility is deterniined by the referral source and by the Targeted Assessment Specialists. To be eligible for TAP services, individuals must: * Receive TANFlKentucky Transitional Assistance (K-TAP) benefits; * Have at least one dependent child related by blood, adoption, or marriage; or * Be eligible for TANF/IC-TAP benefits with a family income at or below 200% the federal poverty level. In addition to meeting income requirements, clients referred by the Division of Protection and Permanency must have a child in the home or a plan for reunification. Individuals referred to TAP must be at risk for one or more of the targeted barriers - substance abuse, mental health problems, intimate partner violence, or learning deficits/disabilities. In keeping with two of the four key purposes of TANF, TAP provides assessment and other evidence-based interventions to assist the parent/caretaker in malcing progress toward self-sufficiency and assist the family so that children can be cared for in their own homes or in the home of a relative.
Effective start/end date7/1/096/30/10


  • KY Health Services Cabinet: $5,759,193.00


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