Grants and Contracts Details
TAALC 24-25 Abstract
The TAALC Project proposes to further differentiate and expand the professional learning options
available to educators, speech-language pathologists, and other related service providers. We propose
to do this by continuing the 1) Communication Training Series through webinar or in-person per coop,
district, or KDE request, 2) provide two six-week ECHO in AAC series in the Fall & Spring including a six-
week follow-up for individual case studies with monthly coaching upon request; and 3) management of
the asynchronous learning including Listen Up Series, Communication for Transition-age Youth and
Adults Series (in development), the Administrator Series, and the Peer Support training; 5)
development of a new series to be identified. All training activities will be certified for ASHA and ELA
credit as appropriate. In new development, we propose to include new TAALC resources on the newly
developed KY SPEAKS AAC website developed by HDI; and format the ECHO teaching presentations and
create curated lists for teachers, SLPs, instructional assistants, and other related service providers.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/24 → 6/30/25 |
- KY Department of Education: $193,930.00
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