The Extension System: Military Collaboration eXtension Initiative

Grants and Contracts Details


The content team along with the eXtension Associate Director of COntent will provide leadership and guidance in the development of a Military Family Community of Practice (CoP). Specifically, the Content Staff and eXtension Associate Director of Content will: 1) Direct the development of the Military Family CoP by incorporating leadership of existing CoPs to form and deliver appropriate content for the land-grant universities with accountability to the eXtension Governing Committee and the Department of Defense, 2) Further develop resources, infrastructure, and applications to support the Miltary Family CoP by describing guidelines for preparing content, outlining the roles and responsibilities of the CoP and assist in the development of a social networking strategy for the Military Family CoP, 3) Imprive services to our customers, and 4) Content development and support.
Effective start/end date5/1/108/14/11


  • University of Nebraska: $53,413.00


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