The Fate and Effects of Nanosized Metal Particles Along a Simulated Terrestrial Food Chain Investigated Using Genomic and Microspectroscopic Techniques

Grants and Contracts Details


Once the grant is transferred to the University of Kentucky, we will continue our studies of sublethal genomic responses in E.fetida, both at the transcriptome level and at the proteome level. We will also continue to apply FFF-DLS-ICPMS, SXRF, and TEM to evaluate tissue, cellular and macromolecular distribution of the particles. These efforts will complete the tests of Hypotheses I and II. The next phase of research will begin to address hypothesis II from the original scope of work (Metal NSPs do not biomagnifying regardless of particle size, but the particles are more bioaccumulative through trophic exposure than they are through direct exposure). This will involve experiments investigating uptake of nanoparticles by R. catesbeiana through dietary exposure and by oral gavage.
Effective start/end date7/1/081/31/11


  • Environmental Protection Agency: $317,897.00


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