Grants and Contracts Details
1. Teaching the Logic of the Scientific Method in the 4th Grade
2. Development of an instructional program
3. The practical goal of the project is to develop an effective, general
intervention for the teaching of the core logic of the scientific method (i e.,
the "control of variables strategy"). The theoretical goals are to improv our
understanding of the contributions to science learning of: (1) direct
instruction vs. discovery learning, and (2) constraints on the learning
4. All research will take place in 4th grade classrooms in ten public
elementary schools in an urban school district in Kentucky.
5. All of the students will be enrolled in fourth-grade. The schools inv lved
in the project will represent high-achieving and low-achieving schools with
respect to science. The high- vs. low-achieving distinction serves as a roxy
for a host of factors. Compared to the low-achieving schools, the high
achieving schools tend to be high in achievement in all areas of instru tion.
Further, students from the high-achieving schools are relatively high SES
indicators and are relatively homogeneous with respect to race and et icity
(i.e., predominantly Caucasian). In contrast, students from low-achie'ng
schools are relatively low in SES and are racially and ethnically dive se (i.e.,
higher percentage of African-Americans and Hispanics). Thus, the
interventions studied in the proposed research will be tested in diver e
educational settings.
6. The initial intervention is based directly on research conducted b Toth,
Klahr and Chen (2000). It is designed to teach the control of variables
strategy (i.e., manipulate independent variables while holding other variab es
constant) via a combination of direct instruction and hands-on
experimentation in small groups. The proposed research will combine dire t
instruction and hands-on experimentation, and will sequence constraints 0
the learning environment to produce an effective instructional interventio .
The ultimate goal is to design an instructional program that requires three,
SO-minute class periods.
7. The three experiments will all include observation and testing of stude
in classrooms that do not receive an intervention. This is primarily for
purposes of baseline comparisons. Comparisons of interventions in each
experiment will be equated on all factors except those of theoretical inter st.
8. The study in each year of the proposal an experimental design.
9. In each study, there are four different measures of performance. The
important set of measures consists of paper-and-pencil objective tests
(binary and multiple choice) of individual student understanding of the
control of variables strategy (CVS). The second measure consists of an
evaluation of whether small groups of students can design unconfounde
experiments in a constrained context. The third measure is an assessmen of
individual students' science fair projects with respect to their incorporati n
of the principles of CVS. The fourth measure is a count of correctly
answered questions (relevant to CVS understanding) from an end-of-ye ,
State-mandated standardized test of achievement in science.
10. The analyses in each year will consist of separate analyses of varian on
each of the four types of performance measures. In addition, analyses w 11be
supplemented by planned contrasts designed to address the specific rese rch
questions posed in the proposal.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/06 → 6/30/10 |
- Department of Education: $1,140,201.00
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