The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program for El Salvador

  • Reed, Michael (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Department of Entomology at the University of Kentucky is uniquely qualified to meet the educational goals of Douglas Navarro, Norman Borlaug Fellow from EI Salvador. Dr. Ric Bessin, Professor of Entomology, and Kenneth Seebold, Professor of Plant Pathology, will serve as co-mentors for his program. Both are very experienced in integrated pest management, Bessin with insects and Seebold with chemical controls. Both work extensively with Kentucky farmers in a similar role to Mr. Navarro, including vegetables. The proposed six-week program for the Borlaug Fellow at the University of Kentucky would begin with a two-day orientation to University, Lexington, and Central Kentucky. The Fellow would visit local farms and agribusinesses. He would also be taken to local attractions to become more acquainted with Lexington history and culture. After this orientation, the training program will focus on participating in farm visits, participating in extension meetings, attending classes, and observing/working in laboratories. Mr. Navarro will be able to consult extensively with professors in Entomology, Horticulture, and Plant Pathology, along with faculty who teach in the Sustainable Agriculture and the Natural Resource Conservation programs. The exact schedule will be coordinated through communications with Mr. Navarro.
Effective start/end date8/12/088/12/10


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