Grants and Contracts Details
The Content ManagementlLeadership Team along with the eXtension A&sociate
Directors of Content will provide leadership and guidance in the development of
eXtension content development and management services. Specifically, the Conte*t team
and eXtension Associate Directors of Content will:
1. Lead and direct the content development for the eXtension initiative for th~landgrant
universities with accountability to the eXtension Governing Commit~e.
2. Further deve~o~ reso~rce~ and infrastru~ture to support Communities of p'rr~u.ce
(CoPs) descnbmg gUldelmes for prepanng content, the roles and responslb~l~ ~les
of CoPs, understanding and addressing audience needs, and evaluation ..
3. Work with CoPs in the following areas:
a. In the formation and function of communities and their member. :
b. By training and implementing eXtension content and IT standards with
CoPs ..
c. Provide instructional design tools and infrastructure that will allowicontent
providers to create interactive, educational content. ;
d. By providing training for members of CoPs to enter their content ~tothe
eXtension CMS. !
e. Coordinating eXtension staff and/or commercial contractors to dev~)op
products that involve integrating various technologies to improve dontent
development and delivery. I
f. Facilitate outsourcing of content development to those inthe systef:i who
can assist in the creation of content for CoPs, in order to build cap4~ity
with in the Extension System nationwide .. :
4. Work with the national eXtension Content Management Board to help furiher
develop and improve the work and processes associated with building ahd!
supporting CoPs. ;
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 10/1/07 → 9/30/11 |
- University of Nebraska: $1,286,645.00
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